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The successful experience of each company or institution is one of the factors that provides the trust of colleagues, customers and applicants. DELTA MAX OIL is working with a history and experience of 35 years of activity in the field of commodities and industrial oils, chemicals in order to exploit the feed and supply the growing needs of our customers.

Solvent (White Spirit) (4)


Organizational mission

with a continuous and regular effort with an expert, skilled, and committed staff of the qualitative and quantitative level of our products We keep it up to date in a world that is changing at the moment. We respect our audience. Our audiences are not necessarily our customers, and satisfaction of each customer shows our quality and quantity.

Quality level

Improving the quality level of products

knowledge and science

Expanding knowledge and science in the production and trade of products

facilitate the access

Creating clear paths to facilitate the access of customers and audiences


effort and innovation, creativity, appreciation for industry and science in a world full of prosperity

We are part of the nature in which we live. For this reason, the reduction of environmental pollution is on Rasha’s agenda from the beginning. Rasha Golf production line has a process with limited pollution and produces products with a very low percentage of toxins. For this reason, it has a significant contribution in improving environmental indicators.

Scientific research and efforts to acquire new technologies are also located on the agenda of Rasha Golf. The world of technology every day is progressing and moving forward, and we should have a share of these modern world technologies as a great Emirati company.
